Committee Chairperson,
President of the Société Française de Physique,
Emeritus Research Director, CNRS
Chair of the Executive Committee
Committee Vice-chairperson,
General Inspector for Education, Sport and Research
Vice-President of the Société Française de Physique,
Emeritus Research Director, CNRS, LKB
Representative appointed by the Ministry of Education: M. Manuel Brossé
Representative appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research: M. Olivier Marco
Head of the Department of Physics at Ecole Polytechnique
Vice-Provost for Research at Ecole polytechnique
Vice-President Research at Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Permanent guests :
Yannick Alméras, Pierre Chavel, Dominique Obert, Julia Roussel
The scientific committee is responsible for drawing up the subjects for the theoretical and experimental tests, in line with precise specifications.
The subjects are then discussed at two meetings attended by all the delegations. During these meetings, the subjects are adjusted to suit the majority of delegations; each decision to amend the subjects is subject to a vote.
The scientific committee is also in charge of proposing a solution and a marking scheme for each of the two tests. A French team of markers is responsible for evaluating the candidates' papers before moderation with the team leaders.
The full composition of the scientific committee will be announced at the end of the International Physics Olympiad.
Chairperson of the Scientific Committee
General Inspector for Education, Sport and Research
Committee co-chair,
Institut d'Optique, former research scientist, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Committee co-chair,
Honorary General Inspector for Education, Sport and Research
Event Director
Physics and Chemistry Teacher
Communications Officer
Event Officer
Former CEA Research Director and INSTN Professor
Physics and Chemistry Teacher
Research Director, CNRS
Senior Lecturer, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Ground/space instrumentation systems engineer
Physics and Chemistry Teacher
Senior Lecturer in Physics
Experimental Physicist in IRFU's Particle Physics Department, CEA-Saclay
Senior Lecturer, Lycée Louis-le-Grand MPSI
Communications Manager
Director of research, CNRS, IJCLab
Permanent Guests :
Yannick Alméras, Aristide Cavaillès, Elisabeth Giacobino, Daniel Rouan