Scientific tours

École Normale Supérieure Physics Department

The ENS Physics Department brings together over 140 researchers in some 30 research teams grouped into 2 laboratories: the ENS Physics Laboratory and the Kastler Brossel Laboratory.

From the infinitely small to the infinitely large and the infinitely complex, the research activities of the department's researchers, both theoretical and experimental, cover almost all areas of fundamental physics: string theory, cosmology, astrophysics, cold atoms, quantum optics and electronics, soft matter, field theory, statistical physics, biophysics...

These activities have a high international visibility, with more than 400 publications each year, mostly in high-impact factor journals. Research performed at the department was rewarded by many prizes or distinctions, among which 3 Nobel prizes.Physics research at the ENS benefits from an exceptional technical environment, including mechanical and electronics workshops, a Fab Lab, a clean room and a helium liquefier.

It is also enriched by many fruitful interactions with other scientific disciplines: quantitative biology, big data, machine learning, quantum information, etc.

École Polytechnique

Since its creation in 1794, École Polytechnique has been producing and sharing multidisciplinary knowledge at the highest level, for its students, for companies and for society, by developing an entrepreneurial spirit, boldness and a sense of general interest in its three fundamental missions of education, research and innovation.

In a globalized higher education and research environment that is both competitive but also open and collaborative, École Polytechnique has inscribed its future within Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

Created in June 2019, Institut Polytechnique de Paris is a public institution of higher education and research, encompassing 5 prestigious French engineering Schools: École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis.

Since its creation, IP Paris has established itself as a world-class institution of higher education and scientific and technological research, capable of attracting the best French and foreign researchers and students, and thus being an essential driving force for France's power and influence.